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National Hospitalist Day


What is National Hospitalist Day?

Occurring the first Thursday in March annually, National Hospitalist Day celebrates the fastest growing specialty in modern medicine and hospitalists’ enduring contributions to the evolving healthcare landscape. It was approved by the National Day Calendar in 2018 and was one of approximately 30 national days to be approved for the year out of an applicant pool of more than 18,000.

Save the Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025!

This year’s National Hospitalist Day is focused on celebrating the impact our hospital medicine community:

Advancing care. Building community. Creating opportunity.

In addition to our social media celebration and a feature article in The Hospitalist, look forward to:

  • The annual social media contest
  • The "HM Voices" contest, a creative writing and art competition, in partnership with The Hospitalist

Downloadable graphics, customizable templates, and more are coming soon. We can't wait to celebrate with you on Thursday, March 6!

How SHM Supports Hospitalists

As the leading non-profit medical society serving the entire hospital medicine care team, SHM is rooted in its mission is to provide exceptional care for hospitalized patients through education, advocacy, research, quality improvement initiatives, and more.

SHM empowers hospitalists to thrive in their profession at all stages of their careers by connecting them with cutting-edge education, technology, and like-minded professionals to collectively transform patient care and the lives of patients.

Join today.

  • SHM Converge
    SHM's Annual Conference is created by hospitalists for hospitalists and is the only national conference focused on solely hospital medicine. From clinical updates to practice management, the education and networking are unparalleled. Learn more.

  • SHM Learning Portal
    Access free CME credits and MOC points with your SHM membership on the SHM Learning Portal. SHM's education program is designed to provide high-quality, evidence-based educational opportunities that fulfill your (CME) requirements and enhance your practice performance. Learn more.