About eQUIPS
SHM's Electronic Quality Improvement Programs (eQUIPS) are web-based resources and online collaboratives designed to help jumpstart hospital-based quality improvement and patient safety activities.
SHM Glycemic Control eQUIPS Program
Glycemic Control eQUIPS focuses on optimizing the care of inpatients with hyperglycemia and diabetes. This program's virtual library of resources, including a step-by-step implementation guide, addresses various issues that range from subcutaneous insulin protocols to care coordination and good hypoglycemia management. In addition, this program offers access to a data center for performance tracking and benchmarking.
This program aims to support your institution in:
- Gaining an understanding of the principles of glycemic control
- Improving glycemic control data collection/analysis/and reporting
- Building and obtaining approval for protocols/policies for glycemic control
- Creating a culture for change and change management