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Transfusing Wisely QI Collaborative

About the Collaborative

The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) is actively recruiting for its fall cohort of the Transfusing Wisely Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative.

The collaborative, which begins in October 2018, is a 14-month program designed to support hospitals in reducing the rate of unnecessary blood transfusions with the goal of lowering the risk of complications for patients and supporting hospitals in the judicious use of valuable resources.

Why should my hospital participate in the collaborative?

Blood is an expensive, finite resource that is often wasted when over transfused. Multiple hospitals have implemented restrictive transfusion protocols and have benefitted substantially, saving millions of dollars and demonstrating a favorable return on investment1 while improving care for hospitalized patients.

What support will participating hospitals receive?

Participating hospitals will have access to:

  • Hospitalist faculty who have successfully implemented blood transfusion quality improvement projects in their hospitals
  • An online collaborative community to share commentary and resources with other participating hospitals and SHM’s faculty experts via the Hospital Medicine Exchange (HMX) 
  • Quality improvement and project management expertise, tools and resources, which can also be leveraged for future projects
  • A data collection platform to input local project data and review outcomes with data analysis support
  • Educational webinars and trainings on best transfusion practices and tips to design an effective intervention to improve transfusion practice

Is SHM’s Transfusing Wisely QI Collaborative a study? Will participating hospitals require IRB approval to participate?

No, this is not part of a research study. This is strictly a quality improvement project. The information that sites submit for data collection is de-identified and contains no patient specific health information. There is no need for IRB. The University of California San Diego IRB will provide a QI waiver and it is possible that academic publications could result from the collaborative.

What are the expectations for site participation?

SHM requests that sites secure institutional support including C-suite buy-in. Sites are expected to assemble a team to improve blood utilization, dedicate the requisite resources, collect data according to the program protocol and actively participate in educational sessions.


How can my hospital enroll?

Interested hospitals should complete the online application by September 14, 2018. View a preview of the application.

The tuition fee of $8800 is due on September 14, 2018. $800 discount on the tuition fee available through September 14, 2018.  

Apply Today

Interested in Learning More?

Please view Dr. Ian Jenkin's brief webinar recording from August 29th to learn more about SHM's Transfusing Wisely QI Collaborative and the benefits you receive for enrolling. View webinar recording

Questions? Program staff are available to answer any questions you may have regarding the Transfusing Wisely QI Collaborative. Contact us.




1Goodnough, L. T., Shieh, L. , Hadhazy, E. , Cheng, N. , Khari, P. and Maggio, P. (2014), Best practice alerts decrease blood use. Transfusion, 54: 1358-1365.