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TH Editorial Board Application

The Hospitalist Editorial Board Application Form

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The Hospitalist’s editorial advisory board is a volunteer group of SHM members who share their professional expertise and insight through the pages of the magazine and through our expanding digital offerings. Members help develop and focus content relevant to hospitalists, recommend sources for articles, and may serve as sources or write articles. The editorial board meets virtually every month and in person annually at SHM Converge to discuss relevant and timely topics in hospital medicine.

The editorial board serves as a representation of the SHM membership. As such, we strive for diversity in our demographics, type of institution, location, and length of career*. We look for candidates who are passionate about hospital medicine, active and engaged in SHM, and eager to share their expertise and ideas.

Participation offers an unprecedented opportunity to communicate with peers and further the hospital medicine movement.

*This includes trainee members. Trainees with a background in adult or pediatric hospital medicine, including med-peds, are encouraged to apply.

Editorial board members serve a two-year term; trainee members serve a one-year term.

Applications the 2025-2027 term are now closed. All applicants should receive notification of their status in early February 2025.

Please see below for expectations of editorial board members:


  • Submit at least four article ideas per year to the editors.
  • Regularly participate in the monthly editorial board call, in which the editors and team members brainstorm ideas for the magazine and potential expert sources for articles. The call is at 1:30 p.m. ET on the fourth Thursday of every month; a calendar invitation with teleconference details will be forthcoming.
  • Agree to be interviewed/profiled by The Hospitalist writing staff.
  • Write at least two articles per year mutually agreed upon with the physician editor and managing editor.
  • Provide direction and focus on article ideas and recommend expert sources for articles.
  • Attend (if possible) SHM Converge, and the in-person editorial board meeting held during the conference.
  • Advocate for The Hospitalist as the best source for hospital medicine news and content.
  • Be an active and engaged SHM member.


  • Opportunity to receive discounted registration to SHM’s annual conference, SHM Converge, if selected to write a session recap.
  • Listing as an editorial board member in The Hospitalist masthead in each issue