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Our Members

Advancing Care. Building Community. Creating Opportunity

You're a hospitalist. We're your advocate.

SHM invites you to join our family in advancing the career of hospitalists through education, research, and collaboration. Learn how SHM can advance your career. While it is important to remember where we began, SHM is focused on the future of our specialty and the healthcare industry. High-quality and high-value patient care is at the core of who we are as hospitalists. 

Message from Board President

"Hospitalists are healthcare disruptors, making big changes that are significantly defining the way healthcare is delivered through being innovative. Hospitalists are developing new models of care and leveraging technology to creatively provide person-centered care to patients who are medically and socially complex, using the power of storytelling and social media to explore the human side of medicine, advocating to address structured racism and remove unnecessary barriers to healthcare, reaching out to all corners of the globe - rural and international - to ensure access to care. As president, I am committed to supporting you as individuals, and collectively as members, so that we can work to push the boundaries in care delivery both within and beyond our borders. 

SHM members have the opportunity to connect with Dr. Flora Kisuule and other leaders in our Prez Room webinars each month to address concerns, questions, or provide feedback. 

Voices of Members


icons8-chat-100.png I'm immensely grateful to the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) for providing a platform to showcase my passion for this field and my commitment to systems change and quality improvement principles. SHM has been instrumental in shaping my career.  

Patrick Desamours, PA-C, MBA, SFHM


icons8-chat-100.png SHM provides a place for hospitalists around the world to grow as leaders and improve inefficiencies to help us and our teams move in the right direction.  

Lynell Newmarch, MD

RZ Headshot 2018.jpg

icons8-chat-100.png It is really helpful to be part of an organization that helps us as hospitalists network, organize, advocate, and get us in the direction that we need to go to continue to advance the specialty together.

Ruby Sahoo, DO, MBA, SFHM

Chapter Spotlights

Chapter Spotlight: Arizona
Published: February 3, 2025

The Arizona chapter of SHM faced a challenge in 2021 when its founding hospitalists saw their practice shift from inpatient medicine to primary care. At that point, many of the members of the chapter were leaving, which could have been the end of the local chapter.Enter the new class, including now Vice President Lisa Simmon, MD, MBA, CHCQM, SFHM. “We went from a group of experienced SHM leaders to having a brand-new leadership team,” said Dr. Simmon, medical director of care coordination at Banner-University Medical Center Phoenix. It’s working, as the chapter is now flourishing. View full article in The Hospitalist

Chapter Spotlight: Long Island
Published: December 2, 2024

For some early career hospitalists, it can take years to realize the value of networking. Some practitioners in their first years on the job can get caught up in the day-to-day work and not appreciate the insights and importance of talking to the people who did that job before them. Not Rasan Cherala, MD, and not the SHM Long Island Chapter he now leads as president. View full article in The Hospitalist

Chapter Spotlight: Nebraska
Published: November 1, 2024

Mohammed Zalabani, MD, FHM, had just stepped away from a directorship role and was looking for less leadership responsibility and more time with “my kids and my family and my house and my wife.” But leaders lead, and when he was asked by a former president of SHM’s Nebraska chapter to get involved, what do you think happened? He joined in a lesser board seat and quickly took the reins. View full article in The Hospitalist

Chapter Spotlight: Pittsburgh
Published: October 1, 2024

In Pittsburgh, someone who identifies with the city is called a Yinzer. And Yinzers tend to stick around. That’s as true in the old steel mills that defined this section of western Pennsylvania as it is in the hospitals that now help drive the local economy. So how do hospitalists who identify with Pittsburgh commune? Well, that’s the SHM Pittsburgh chapter’s role, if you ask chapter president Eric Gardner MD, MBA. View full article in The Hospitalist.





Special Interest Group (SIG) Spotlights

SIG Spotlight: Hospital at Home
Published: February 3, 2025

Everyone knows the concept of hospital at home care. It’s institutional-level medical treatment delivered in the confines of a Cape Cod or a two-bedroom apartment, either in person or through telemedicine. What fewer practitioners know, as the concept continues to grow, is how best to structure said care. That’s where SHM’s Hospital at Home Special Interest Group steps in to help.
View full article in
The Hospitalist

SIG Spotlight: Palliative Care
Published: December 2, 2024

For Elizabeth Gundersen, MD, FAAHPM, FHM, chair of SHM’s Palliative Care Special Interest Group, caring for patients at the end of their lives is a labor of love. But, in death just like life, love needs work. Dr. Gundersen notes that unlike some more diagnostic or treatment skills—what’s the best anticoagulant to use, or what tests should be ordered—palliative care is often more about a framework than specific advice. View full article in The Hospitalist

SIG Spotlight: Hospital Medicine Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Published: November 1, 2024

Medical schools teach a lot of material in a short time, and residencies and fellowships help round out the training that makes hospitalists good at what they do. But nowhere in that learning curve do doctors or others get training on how to secure private equity funding, how to manage start-up burn rates, or how to commercialize an idea for a medical device. That’s why Thomas Barrett, MD, MCR, FACP, SFHM, launched the Hospital Medicine Innovation and Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group (SIG) in February 2023. View full article in The Hospitalist





Hospitalist Article Spotlights

US Hospitalists Share Their Stories About Their Paths to Global Hospital Medicine
Published: January 1, 2025

How do US hospitalists find their way into international hospital medicine and global health care—and what have they learned on the journey? Several hospitalist leaders in global health care contacted for this article shared very different paths to their international connections. They said it’s important to enjoy working overseas, with all its challenges and its opportunities for personal fulfillment, while making meaningful contributions to the health care of other countries. But also, it’s essential to be clear on one’s motivations. Don’t expect to save the world. View full article in The Hospitalist

Residents Look Forward to a New Year
Published: January 1, 2025

The beginning of a new year is often a time of reflection and introspection as people make plans for the coming year and for their futures. Last month we enjoyed hearing from seasoned hospitalists, and to ring in 2025 we’re looking to the next generation. We chatted with resident members of SHM and asked them the following questions: What’s been your biggest challenge so far in your career? What surprises you most about hospital medicine? What are you looking forward to professionally in 2025? What’s going to be the most important issue in hospital medicine in the coming years? Here’s what they had to say. View full article in The Hospitalist

Hospitalists Provide Insight on Working at VA Hospitals
Published: November 1, 2024

The Hospitalist asked SHM members who work for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to share their insights on working for the largest integrated healthcare system in the U.S. Overwhelmingly, hospitalists cited as the greatest benefit the privilege to provide care to those who served our country. They also touted many other perks, such as research and educational opportunities, and excellent benefits. View full article in The Hospitalist






At SHM, our members are our mission.

From education to professional development, SHM is laser-focused on providing hospital medicine-specific opportunities, including networking, advocacy and leadership development to take your career to the next level.  Above all, joining SHM will empower you to make a positive impact on patients and the entire hospital medicine community.