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Explore the Space

About Explore the Space Podcast, SHM's Podcast Partner

Hospitalist and speaker Dr. Mark Shapiro chats with leaders, innovators, and adventurers from across the human experience. Each episode has ideas to spark your curiosity, lessons to learn from, and concepts to help bring us closer together in the healthcare space.

Episode 185: Danielle Scheurer On Leading The Society of Hospital Medicine

Dr. Danielle Scheurer is the President of the Society of Hospital Medicine & a practicing Hospitalist. She took office right at the start of the #COVID19 pandemic & has skillfully navigated this critical organization (I am a proud SHM member, full disclosure) through the first part of the pandemic. We discuss the need for agility, growing SHM while under tremendous pressure, and leveraging decentralized engagement.

More Explore The Space


Episode 184: Vinny Arora & Samir Shah On Equity, Promotions, & COVID-19

Dr. Samir Shah is a Professor of Pediatrics and is Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Hospital Medicine. Dr. Vinny Arora is a Professor of Medicine and is a Social Media Editor for the Journal of Hospital Medicine. In part 2 of our conversation we discuss JHM’s leadership in actively promoting diversity, the critical need for agility in how promotion and tenure committees operate and ways we can track the work and be accountable.

Explore the Space, Episode 183: Samir Shah & Vinny Arora On Effective Information Sharing

In Part 1 of our interview, we discuss the extraordinary May 2020 issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine that captures unique COVID-related perspectives, lessons, and experiences from around the world. We also cover the incredible agility and leadership that JHM is demonstrating at a critical time.

Explore the Space, Episode 179: Mark Hertling On War Analogies, Healthcare, & COVID-19

Lt. General Mark Hertling is back on Explore The Space Podcast in the wake of his superb article “Ten Tips for a Crisis: Lessons from a Soldier.” We discuss the analogy of healthcare providers as soldiers in a time of war, the inherent risks of glorification, the importance of having a “Battle Buddy” & so much more. This is essential content at a critical time for all of us.


The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast: #195 TWDFNR 3: Potassium, Oxygen, and Antipsychotics

Discover common practices that persist in the hospital wards despite no proven benefit! We review how potassium replacement goals should not drive you bananas, extra oxygen should not give you comfort, and how you should maybe calm down with antipsychotics for delirium. Join returning guests: high-value care specialist Dr. Lenny Feldman (@DocLennyF, Johns Hopkins) and tweetorialist Dr. Tony Breu (@tony_breu, Harvard) as they walk us through round 3 of “Things We Do for No ReasonTM (TWDFNR 3).

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast: #109: Things We Do For No Reason: A High Value Episode

Topics include: renal ultrasound and urine electrolytes in acute kidney injury (AKI), folate deficiency and anemia work-up, prealbumin and malnutrition, blood transfusions, shellfish and contrast allergies, monitoring after switch from IV or oral antibiotics, and “against medical advice” discharges.

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast, #165 Things We Do For No Reason™ Part 2

Discover common practices that persist in the hospital wards despite no proven benefit! We review how hospitals prescribe a “crapload” of docusate which only clogs up the medication list, how unnecessary echocardiograms are ordered enough times to make your head spin, and how basal insulin needs to slide back into your inpatient diabetes management instead of correctional insulin monotherapy.