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Member Resources on Hospital Medicine Coding and Clinical Documentation

Click below to access content exclusively available to SHM members. Not a member yet? Join today.

2023 Hospital Medicine Evaluation and Management Guidelines

A comprehensive set of FAQs on the 2023 E/M Coding Guidelines.

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2024 Policy Update on Medicare Policy on Split (or Shared) Billing for E/M Services

One-pager on the finalized rule for 2024 which contains significant changes for split (or shared) billing for E/M services, specifically that the substantive portion of the split service is defined as more than half of time or substantive part of medical decision making. 

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2023 Changes to the Hospitalist Evaluation and Management Codes

One-pager on the changes to the Hospital Medicine E/M Codes that go into effect January 1, 2023, including the elimination of observation codes, revisions to the inpatient codes, changes in how to bill and document for visits, and adjustments to wRVUs.

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Webinar: From Chaos to Clarity: Navigating Clinical Documentation and Case Mix Index (CMI)

In this webinar, recorded in September 2024, we cut through the “noise” of clinical documentation and demystify CMI. With this understanding, you can adopt a focused approach to clinical documentation, reclaim significant time spent on queries, and maintain optimal CMI reporting. This webinar was sponsored by ClinIntell and is part of a series made possible by SHM's sponsors.

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Webinar: 2023 Changes to Hospitalist E/M Billing and Coding

In this webinar, recorded in December of 2022, the speakers discuss the significant changes to the Hospitalist E/M Coding effective January 1, 2023. Hear more about these changes, including elimination of observation codes, revisions to the inpatient codes, changes in how to bill and document for visits, and adjustments to wRVUs, and how the experts are preparing for the new rules.

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MDM Grid for Hospitalists 

A modified version of the American Medical Association Medical Decision Making (MDM) Table, Effective January 1, 2023.  This resource specifically addresses the hospital medicine E/M codes and provides relevant risk examples. 

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Utilization Management and Clinical Documentation

Document with improved accuracy and quality with SHM's Utilization Management and Clinical Documentation for Hospitalists.

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Clinical Documentation Pearls for Hospitalists

A small printable guide to help hospitalists document with consistency and clarity.

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